Sixty thousand years back there existed two extra landmasses, each around ten to twelve percent bigger than the mainland of Australia. One was situated in the Atlantic Ocean between North America and Africa named Atlantis. The other was situated in the Pacific Ocean close present day Japan and named Lemuria or Mu. For what reason would they say they are no longer there?
Researchers have assessed that the seas of the world are 300 to 400 feet higher than before. Vestiges of a city have been discovered submerged off the western shore of Cuba, another on the bank of Spain, and there's a street off the shoreline of Bimini in the Bahamas. Monster remnants of a human advancement have been found under the ocean close Yonaguni-Jima, Japan. Legend has it (and most legends are established in genuine occasions as I've found) that the Atlanteans crushed the staying six islands warring against each other after the landmass was obliterated by quakes 18,000 years sooner (as it sat amidst the Mid-Atlantic Ridge). The Lemurians additionally sank their landmass of Mu amid a climactic war 5,000 years after the last islands of Atlantis were crushed.
Plato expounded on Atlantis in his Timaeus and Critias exchanges in 360 BC. These works have been remarked upon, yet with no verification, many consider them legends. What's more, Edgar Cayce, known as the "dozing prophet," got broad data about Atlantis and Lemuria while giving "life readings" to individuals starting in the mid 1900s until his demise in 1945.
The Atlanteans and Lemurians were much the same as you and me. In the event that you can envision the distinctions in day by day life between, say, the general population of North America and Europe or Asia, or on the off chance that you live in Europe or Asia, the contrasts among you and individuals living on different mainlands, that will give you a thought of the modernity these two social orders had accomplished more than 50,000 years. We have not yet gotten up to speed to their headways in vitality and restorative medications. The few Atlantean survivors (and those that relocated preceding the last obliteration) went every which way, including Egypt, Guatemala and the Yucatan, where they coordinated with the substantially less created nearby populaces.
Would you be able to envision the removal and ascent of water levels (alongside torrents) that would have inundated all the waterfront towns around the globe wiping out any hint of their reality when every one of these two landmasses sank? The four biggest religions of the world relate the tale of Noah and his ark. Amid which of these disasters was this story conceived, and is it a genuine story? Archeologists continue finding more established and more seasoned human advancements, so we can't expel all legends as old spouses stories.
Atlantis and the landmass of Mu were seeded 60,000 years back when our ET "uncles and close relatives" at long last settled on the Adam and Eve people as the most strong model for the "Earth Experiment" the Creator of our universe wished. As it was disclosed to me, when the Creator requests that you accomplish something you can state "no," however nobody does. For more than 10 million years they attempted a wide range of human bodies, some of them revolting that the Atlanteans called "Things" and subjugated them for a great many years previously remedying their deformations. Other human bodies incorporated the a huge number of Neanderthals that were barbarians and a large number of Cro-Magnons. The Adam models could be made in only a couple of minutes utilizing what we would term as very propelled 3D printer machines. The distinctive races were seeded in all parts of the world, from the hot to the cool. The mainland of Atlantis had a few gatherings seeded, contrasted with not very many at first on the Mu landmass, so their numbers developed substantially quicker.
Over just about 60,000 years both the Atlanteans and Lemurians made extraordinary innovative advances, including free vitality and recuperating we still can't seem to rediscover.
As was directed by Edgar Cayce, three demolitions happened for the Atlanteans. The first was more than 50,000 years prior after the Atlantean populace had developed to more than one million individuals. Gaia, soul of the earth, moved the posts to around where they are currently. A few million individuals passed on when it turned out to be excessively cool, making it impossible to survive. The Second Destruction was a catastrophic event. The Atlantean Continent sat over the Mid Atlantic Ridge. Bisecting the mainland were enormous volcanoes, and when they all ejected, more than 90% of the landmass sank into the sea, raising the sea levels the world over 160 feet (49 meters), and a large number of individuals died. Every one of that was left were Poseidia, Aryan, and four littler occupied islands, in addition to the Bahamas, Bermuda and a couple of different islands.
The Third Destruction was man-made since the Sons of Belial, in a Pearl Harbor-type assault, utilized beam firearms that killed more than 1.5 million individuals on Poseidia the principal day. At the point when the major occupied islands sank, the seas rose 41 feet (12.5 meters), again wiping out a huge number of individuals living on the coasts. The genuine story of Noah and his ark was conceived amid this pulverization 12,500 years back.
For a huge number of years, the landmass of Mu was a pure place to live in concordance. Just in the last one thousand years of its reality did things wind up intolerable. It was right around an idealistic presence. In any case, eagerness and the craving for control at long last brought about another horrendous war. There were five nations on the Mu mainland isolated by streams or mountains. One of the five chose that the colossal bombs they had no equivalent in alternate nations, so they dropped two of these hydrogen-sized bombs on their foes. In any case, these nations had similar bombs, and the outcome was that the entire mainland broke separated, by and by slaughtering a large number of individuals either in the blasts or when the seas rose 200 feet (61 meters). Is anyone shocked that there are few records of these two mainlands' presence?
In any case, with these new disclosures comes the affirmation that we will never pulverize ourselves again.
The Lost Continents Atlantis and Lemuria
Reviewed by Unknown
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